"SIMULATION" Using Windows Task Scheduler

Hi reader's now we came back with an another post in our blog which may be cool to every one...
are you getting irritated of someone whom you absolutely not wanted to use ur system or laptop so her is the solution for it !!!

Step 1: First let us create a Task Scheduler which will perform the task you specified  if you are using windows just follow the steps as specified

Note : I have done using windows 8

Step 2: Search for Task Scheduler in your search menu and click on it

Step 3: After you clicked it you will get a window or a box like this

Step 4: Now click on Actions and click on Create Task 

Step 4: Now In the Create Task window under the General tab  set a name and description for the task then Click on  Run whether user is logged on or not then put a check it and Run with highest privileges  make sure to set the Configure for: for your flavor of Windows


Step 5: Now at the  Action tab click on new and under the new tab set the Action to be Start a Program and under the program/script type shutdown.exe and leave arguments like /s and /f with space in between



Step 6: Now at the triggers tab click on new and you will get a new trigger window in that set a parameter that you want  as everyone need would differ i have shown a few of mine


Step 7: After your trigger is set click on ok your task schedule will be now displayed so the task to shut 
 down your pc is now set 


So frnds you have now set a task to shutdown your pc  so when this is been executed a display message will be shown like this before shut down 

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